Sunday 18 October 2015

Married? 7 Secrets About s*x You Won’t Hear About In Church

In any sermon on marriage, you will hear the token things when it comes to s*x. s*x is important for an healthy marriage; some ministers will even teach that Christian couples should be having better s*x than those in the World. But, there are some s*xual secrets you will rarely get from the pulpit.
Here are my top 7:
1. s*x was made for pleasure just as much as it was made for procreation.
God created our bodies with great intelligence which means every function and capability comes with a purpose.
The indicator that God created s*x for more than just procreation is the fact that both men and women’s bodies have the ability to climax into an climax. The climax experience is very healthy for both men and women.
The fact that it is much more challenging for a woman to attain an climax than a man shows God’s intelligent design. When men pay closer attention to their wives’ emotional needs, it results in a stronger connection and ultimately a better orgasmic experience.
2. Couples that schedule s*x have the most s*x.
Anything in life that matters whether it be work meetings, your kid’s sports games, or your doctor’s appointments all would be missed if its not written down on a schedule.
When you schedule something you are giving it value and respect. Yet many couples refuse to schedule s*x.
Many will say that scheduling s*x reduces the spontaneity.
However, when you schedule s*x, schedule the minimum. This then leaves room for spontaneous nights…or mornings…or…
By scheduling s*x in your relationship, you are setting an expectation for when you will engage one another intimately and this is a healthy lifeline for your marriage.
3. Great s*x requires great foreplay.
There is no great s*x without amazing foreplay.
Foreplay, such as the following, can actually begin before you get into the bedroom:
Text messages
Simple touches throughout the day
Helping each other out with various tasks
All of these are examples of foreplay which increase longing and physical desire.
4. You should try to engage in at least 3 different positions.
Keep your s*x life spicy by trying out different positions. Our dear friends gave us this amazing tip from their s*x life: they engage in a minimum of 3 positions each time they are intimate and then afterwards have pillow talk about their time together. Wow!
5. The Only Limits Should be the Limits You Set
The question is always asked, “What is okay, and what is not okay in the bedroom?” The answer to that question is between you and your spouse. There isn’t a one size fits all for what you can and can’t do in your s*x life. As long as you and your spouse both agree upon it and it brings you closer together then have fun!
Let me caution you, however, that as believers we must stay away from biblically offensive acts such as p****graphy or extra persons.
Oral s*x, various positions, and whatever else you may question to try in your s*x life should be discussed with your spouse to determine if its something you want to incorporate. Just remember that s*x is about serving one another at the highest level, so enjoy one another no matter how you do it.
6. Be Creative to Eliminate s*x From Getting Mundane
Have fun with your s*x life.
You’re going to have to get creative in order to keep or bring the spice. Rolling over and having s*x is going to get boring after awhile.
Being creative can be a shared and rotated responsibility.
One night the wife might be in charge and the next her husband can flex his creative muscles.
7. Discuss Your s*xual Needs With Your Spouse
Communication is the key element for a great s*x life. It is said that a great s*x life is like wine; it gets better the older it gets.
You must be committed to making your s*x life one of the best parts of your marriage. It will not happen automatically. Discuss your needs, what requires improvement, or how you can better serve each other.
These are all keys to remain focused on each other and no one else. In the end you will happier, healthier, and having more s*x! But you won’t hear that in church!

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