Sunday 18 October 2015

Inspirational Sunday – 7 Signs God Is Talking And You Aren’t Listening

mid adult couple holding hands and praying
Have you ever had the feeling like you are praying and God just isn’t answering you? At the same time, everyone around you is telling you that God answers every prayer?

In the hustle and bustle of the day, it can be difficult to tell when God is talking to you. The thing to remember is he is always talking, and you just need to listen up.
Here are seven ways God could be reaching out to you in ways you never thought of before:
1. While serving others
Have you ever served someone, and while you were serving, you got the feeling that you should change something in your life? Has someone you served said something that had a life-changing impact in your life? This is God speaking to you. These people are not placed in your life by accident. He places them there.
Nothing brings more peace and happiness in this life than giving of your time to help someone else. God is always more willing to answer our prayers when you are willing to give a lending hand to help someone in need.
2. Studying your scriptures
There is an old saying that says, “When you want to talk to God, you pray. When he wants to talk to you, you read your scriptures.” God speaks through his written word, and nothing can enlighten you more than sitting down and cracking open the Bible. So, the next time you open your scriptures and a particular verse stands out to you, know that God is reaching out to you.
3. Acts of kindness from other people
Have you ever had a bad day, and at the moment you need it most someone approaches you to tell you are an awesome person? Or when everyone in your family is sick, and a friend brings over a huge pot of soup to share?
These are moments when people feel the need to reach out and help you. Anything that’s good must come from God, and it does. Many times people are prompted to reach out and help. God uses them to answer your prayers.
4. Feelings that come to your heart
Often times, when we pray, we expect a huge sign from God. However, most of the time, he speaks to us through the feelings in our heart. Have you ever prayed and felt this overwhelming peace? That is God letting you know he is there for you and is telling you yes to the things you are asking.
Other times, do you get an uncomfortable feeling? A feeling like maybe you shouldn’t do it? That is also God talking. He will never lead us to do anything wrong. That is him telling you no, don’t do that.
Sometimes no feeling can be an answer to our prayers. It could mean, “Just wait a little longer. You’re not ready quite yet.”
5. Tender mercies
“Tender mercies” are like little love notes God sends us to let us know he is there for us. This can be anything: You get a phone call from your mom at the moment you were thinking of her. You didn’t think your car was going to start and it all of sudden starts. These are the moments God is telling you he is there for you. Most the time, you are the only one who is benefited from them because it was exactly what you needed in the moment you needed it.
The best way to see these tender mercies is to pray to have the ability to recognize them when they happen. If you pray for your eyes to be opened to them they will be opened.
6. Thoughts that come to your mind
Sometimes thoughts can come to your mind to do something that you have never done before. In the end, it benefited you from doing it. It could be as simple as trying to solve a math problem for homework in a different way and you find the right answer. That is God speaking to us. This doesn’t mean every thought you have comes from God. However, if you are stumped and all of sudden you get an idea that could be God helping you out.
The best way to distinguish if it is God or not is to not worry about it. Always try to do what is good. God never prompts us to do something bad. If you strive to always do what is good, then you are listening to what God has to say.
7. Accepting God’s will above all else
Many times, God is giving a clear answer, and you are not willing to accept it. It could be that he is prompting you to go in a direction you never thought of before, and it is something you don’t necessarily want to do. However, putting your trust in God and his timing will always pay off in the end. He always has your back. He wants the best for your life. The first step to putting your faith in him is accepting his will above all else.

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